New "Jersey Shore" Cast Memeber

If you have been watching the new season of Jersey Shore, you already know that there is no way that Angelina is making it to season 3. Shit, I can see her getting kicked out in the middle of this season. I hope she goes out with a bang this time around.

"There is a new 'Jersey Shore' cast member. The new guidette is Deena Nicole Cortese. She wrote on her Myspace that she is like cocaine, "expensive and addictive."

The new guidette does not come onto the show with some controversy attached to her. Cortese was discovered using the n-word in a Myspace blog. The n-word isn't used in the same context as it's original meaning, instead it's a name given to men who she thinks are treating her or her posse badly.

Cortese is a 23-year-old Jersey native reportedly. She is an ex-cheerleader at Brookdale Community College in Lincroft, New Jersey. "

This is what she looks like. Also, this shows you what kind of people still actually use myspace.


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